Babies: 0 - 3 Months

spitting up excessively ??

so i'm unsure whether the amount DS is spitting up is normal or not. He always spit up a little bit when i burped him afterwards (he's BF), but lately it seems like it's A LOT of spit up. He's 9 wks and just in the past week or so he's been spitting up what seems like a couple oz after he's done eating (i don't know exactly how much it actually is, but it soaks a burp cloth enough that i can't use it again). It doesn't just dribble out like it used to either, it's like projectile spitting up... I'm talking over the edge of the changing table on to the floor, or if he's laying on his back it shoots out of his mouth like a mini fountain. I'm thinking there's no way this can be normal, but at the same time he's not fussy when it happens and he's gaining weight fine. I don't have another well-baby check for 3 weeks but I don't know if I should make an appt. to talk about this ?? 
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