Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What do you do after sleep if it's not time to eat?

I was trying to do some sort of Eat, Play, Sleep with my girls...I'll admit, I haven't actually read any of the sleep training books that talk about this schedule (no time to read!).  But they really only need/want to eat 3-4hrs now, however they eat so fast and only have so little happy awake time before needing a nap...but they don't nap that long.  For example, they'll wake to eat and then play until they've been awake for about 1hr15min to 1.5hrs.  Then they'll nap but they'll usually wake up after 30-45mins (so it's only been 2hr or a little more since the last feed). 

Sometimes I can get them to nap some more if they are still sleepy, but other times they're up and just fussy.  I've tried to see if they need to eat more (like a growth spurt or something) and they don't.  They're just fussy, so it's not like we can even have more play time.  I always change their diapers at that point too, so it's not that making them fussy.  Just trying to find a good system since it's hard to juggle two babies. I feel like if it were just one, I'd just hold her and soothe her whether she fell back to napping or not.  Does that make sense?

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Abigail and Emily born at 38w5d
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"Two Babies, Two Boobies" - That's how I roll.
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