Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Bedtime!? What bedtime?

I read all these posts about LO's bedtimes and get so jealous! My LO (and I've posted this before) just does NOT sleep! We get about 4-10 hours total all day/night (she's 6 weeks) and there's no consistent schedule. I start the bedtime routine at about 8 or 9 p.m. of bath, diaper, swaddle, nurse, try to soothe to sleep ... hours will pass so I have to repeat diaper change and feedings, then I'll try rocking her down again. But it's always like tonight, we're hitting 1 a.m. and I've been at this for hours and she's just not having it, she's wide awake. Sometimes she'll be up until 3 a.m. but never earlier than midnight. What do I do!? It's been like this since week two and I'm exhausted. We've honestly had days when she's slept 1-2 a.m., 4-5 a.m. then 2-4 p.m. and that's all! I can't survive on four hours of sleep all day, how can she!? HELP ME!
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