Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What have we done.

My DS has some issues with gas usually has a little spit up after each meal, and some time struggles to have a BM. Back at his inital check with the ped dr she told us we could switch to similac sensitive if we wanted to we just had to commit to it. (He is currently on the advance) My DH and I didnt do it at the time because he had just started with formula in general and we wanted to give the advance some time. 2 days ago my DS started having increasing gas so we decided to make the switch. We are first time parents so before I even admit this please dont judge I feel terrible. We thought the best way to switch him was to do one scoop of the sensitive one scoop advance. Kinda like you do when you switch a dogs food and I hate to compare it to that..... obvouisly not...... because my DS is having 5-10 BMs a day and peeing more....etc I know his stomach hurts him. We called the ped dr and she said switch him back to advance and watch him. Hes not showing signs of being dehydrated just an upset stomach obviously...... how can we get through this?

I feel terrible!!!!!

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