Upstate NY Babies

My little social bug

Brianna is little miss popular in the 2 yr old room at her preschool, several of the kids follow her around.  She does have one little best friend out of the bunch who does EVERYTHING by Bri's side.  It was so cute, Ty and I watched through the window for a bit after drop off, we would see Brianna run by then followed by her little BFF.  Then repeat in the opposite direction.  Then her BFF was trying to pull B to one end of the room, but B wanted to do something on the other.  Bri broke free to do what she wanted and her friend just stood at her side waiting.  The teacher says that they are side by side all morning!  And that they actually play together, where as most kids their age parallel play.  Today Bri told me she was going to play with Max, turns out it was Maddox, while at school and she did.  We went through a phase this fall where she did NOT want her hair done at all!  Just wanted it all in her eyes, didn't even want me to brush it.  Then a couple weeks ago she started being all about TWO ponytails.  In fact it is the first thing she asks for when I tell her it is a school day.  Turns out her BFF wear her hair in 2 ponytails every day!  Amazing, I ended up with one with significant social delays and another who is socially advanced!  Night and day these two!


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