Upstate NY Babies

Coby Kyros Tablet - for a preschooler?

Anyone have one?  Just trying to get opinions on it and this situation.  G loves playing on my iphone, and had a great time playing on my mom's ipad while we were home.  Well, we get home from preschool today and there's a package addressed to him (which he recognizes and gets so excited to open it.)  Inside is this tablet from my aunt.  I'm slightly annoyed because she didn't tell us she was doing this and I am not a fan of getting a tablet for a 3 year old!  Now I'm not sure how to approach it.  I don't want to hurt her feelings, G already saw it and said, "Wow!  It's my own ipad!", and DH and I don't really want him to have it.  Ugh...  WWYD?

ETA:  I don't want to sound's just that some things I think should be run by the parents first, like this...

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