Babies: 0 - 3 Months

ER visit

Last night I was sitting on the floor giving LO a sponge bath with DH when I felt a continuous gush of blood... There was so much that it felt like I was peeing myself. I ran to the bathroom and had completely soaked my pad. It was still flowing out into the toilet. Um yeah, time to head to the hospital. I changed my pad again while at the hospital (about 30 min later) and it was soaked as well. I passed a clot in the toilet but couldnt see it because of all the blood. Luckily by the time I was seen, it had slowed down a lot. They checked my temp, my stitches, pressed on my stomach a lot and decided I was ok and could go home. It's since stopped bleeding heavily but is still bright red.  I was told just to rest a lot. Has anyone had this kind of bleeding almost 3 weeks later? It was more than after I gave birth! I felt fine but it freaked me out.

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