Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Flat Head Syndrome

Our LO has a very prominent flat spot on one side of her head. I was nervous about this happening to E before she was born so I had read up on ways to prevent it, but nothing I have done seems to have helped... I've always switched the direction she sleeps in in her crib but no matter what she always turns to her favorite side. We do tummy time every day, for at least 30 minutes (broken up). I've resorted to switching the direction she lays on the changing table and the direction of the bath tub.

I'm at a loss though. I don't know how else to reverse the damage already done. I called her pedi and the earliest they have an appt is for when her 2 month check-up is on Dec. 9th. She just said to keep doing what I'm doing but I don't know. I'm really worried that it will be permanent. Is there anything else you ladies know of that I can do to help her? I feel so bad that it happened, especially since I tried from the beginning to prevent it. TIA.
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