Upstate NY Babies

Is this a generational thing?

So I think I've mentioned that numerous times, my FIL makes snarky comments about how "the kids certainly don't need any more toys".  He does it regularly, and I don't appreciate that attitude about how they are spoiled or have too much or whatever.  It's really no one's business how I spend my money - or how I have gotten so much at the consignment shop or Craigs - but do I really need to justify my lifestyle? (It's the attitude that bothers me, not the point of view - we are all entitled to our own opinions).

Anyway we were at a 5-year-old's bday party this weekend, at her house.  The kids were playing in her room and DH's uncle comes up and was all like "kids these days" and "certainly have enough toys" with a big eye roll.

I don't really care what people's opinions are about if I have too many toys or not - but I am wondering if this is a generational thing... do any of you have parents / grandparents / etc that have made comments like this?  I know too I hear about how "when they were this age" they had only a couple toys.

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