Upstate NY Babies

LOs Weight Gain

So Ive told you ladies about my struggles with Owen's weight gain... Well, on Friday I took him for his weight check, and in a month he only gained 4 OUNCES. I am still pretty upset over it. This brings a total two monthish weight gain to only 18ounces.

The doc doesnt think its a qty issue - Owen nurses every morning for 30 min or longer, he gets 15 ounces total at daycare, and nurses at least twice more every evening.

The doc does think its a quality/calorie issue. So for the next week, he suggested we supplement his daycare bottles with formula - adding two scoops of the high calorie powder made for preemies to his bottles - plus I added in an extra BM/formula combo bottle on Sat and Sun, and will use formula to mix his oatmeal.

After making it this long BFing, with adjusting what Im doing in order to try and help him gain weight, plus dealing with this thrush/pain issue - this has been such a blow to the stomach.

I feel as though the one thing my body should be programmed to do - feed my baby...Is a failure. I also cant find ANY online literature about a possibly calorie deficiency in breastmilk... all weight gain issues usually refer to the under 2 month stage, nothing that talks about weight gain issues this late in infancy. 

I am calling the lac consultant at Crouse today, to try and se if she can watch a feeding, and help me troubleshoot, and then also I bought a scale to do some weighed feedings at home.

LO goes back again this Friday for another weight check to see if the formula is helping him gain faster - if not, well then we need to see a gastro-specialist... but we'll cross that bridge if we need to when we get there....  

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