Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Drug test for sitters...?

This is a strange post... My MIL smokes pot. Saying that i dont agree with that is an understatement. I can't stand that she is a pothead.

Since LO was born she keeps mentioning babysitting him. She has 6 other grandchildren but I refuse to let her watch him if she is still smoking pot (she kept saying she was going to quit while I was pregnant). I REALLY am tempted to buy an over the counter drug test and give it to her. I have a feeling that's going to start drama between DH and me though. I keep telling myself that I make sure I am in the right state if mind when I am around my baby and no way I am going to let a stoner watch him. 

Oh- the last time we were at her house she drank like 6 glasses of wine (while she was supposed to be watching two of the grand kids). It was very awkward when I blatantly wouldn't let her hold LO (he's only two weeks Old)!!!!

Any suggestions for tackling this...? 

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