Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Starving baby but spits up all the time...Help!!

So I am breastfeeding, pumping and supplementing with formula when necessary (we had a little trouble getting started but my milk supply is now coming in more steadily).  My 15 day old baby usually eats every 2-3 hours.  However, whenever we feed her, she spits up.  if we feed her from a bottle we usually do 2 oz and when I BF her, I just wait till she comes odd and then offer her the other boob.  The past few days she seems to be super hungry, even after I feed her.  She then proceeds to spit up what we have given her in the first place (even if I BF).  She continues to fuss until we feed her more.  Our pediatrician said that feeding her 2 oz from a bottle was way too much and that she may be spitting up because we are overfeeding her.  She then recommended feeding her 1 oz when bottle feeding, and keeping her on my boob for no longer than 10 minutes.  This makes no sense to me because all of the books say 2.5 oz for every pound they weigh and if my baby is hungry, why shouldn't we feed her? 

 Has anyone else had these kinds of issues?  Please help!  I am tired of having a hungry/cranky baby and an unhelpful pediatrician.

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