Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Normal sleeping pattern for 11 wk old?

My daughter will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. I'm wondering of this is a normal sleeping pattern/schedule for her age. She doesn't nap much or well in the day. She fights sleep, cries when I try to get her to sleep but will eventually fall asleep. I have to hold her to get her to sleep. I can sometimes lay her down but she will usually wake up within 15-20 minutes. This goes on all day long. She gets cranky because she's tires but won't stay asleep. The last few nights, she's been going down around 7-7:30 pm sleeping until about 10 then down until about 2 then down again until about 6 am. Then we're back to the fighting sleep thing again. 

The problem is, at night especially but in the day too, I have to literally tip toe around. Every single sound wakes her. She and I sleep in the living room because our bedroom is very cold right now ( being reconstructed) and her bedroom is on the second floor (ours is on the first)  if I even so much as move, and the blanket ruffles she will stir and a lot of times, wake up. I can't live in utter silence anymore. I've tried to behave normally so she will " get used to" the household sounds, but of I want her to sleep, I have to be quiet.

I just don't know what to do. My house is in shambles, my laundry needs done, I need to shower, but I can't. I spend my whole day trying to get hr to nap and my whole night praying she doesn't hear me breathe.

Miss this normal? What should I do if it's not.   Ps she sleeps in her pack n play and I sleep on the couch ( unless she screams for hours then I have to sleep with her against me)

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