Single Parents

Anyone else?

I'm 23 weeks pregnant with my first and I am absolutely alone on this. I just turned 20 and am working my @$$ off to make things work. I had to leave when I was 16 because of fam. abuse issues, and have made it on my own ever since. I hauled @$$ to finish high school with honours and am accepted to one of the best universities in my city in a program that accepts under 100 students per year. I have gone through hell and back. I love this baby but I am getting completely pissed off at people complaining. I work my ass off to pay rent, and bills and get through this pregnancy and get everything this baby needs by myself. Because the father is a jackass who I can not even get a hold of for the past 6 months. He completely fled town. My family is very non-supportive and I'm doing this alone. I hate hearing about people who are a married couple and complaining and saying they don't think they can do it. I mean, there's two of you, at least you can work together, at least you have the father helping. How can two of you both be unemployed? It just doesn't make sense to me. 

I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there who is absolutely alone? As in not co-parenting or anything? I really need someone to relate to, because lately I feel like I'm drowning, and I'm starting to think, if these couples are reconsidering and having such trouble...who am I to think I can do it? :(

Thanks for letting me rant.. I just need to let that out... 

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