Upstate NY Babies

Thankful Thursday

I have a lot to be thankful for this week.

Our furnace broke a week and a half ago, which means no heat or hot water.  I am so thankful DH took all those weekend to cut wood for our wood stove so now we have had at least a little bit of heat.  I'm thankful the weather hasn't been bitterly cold so our house hasn't been too bad w/o the furnace.  I'm thankful for DHs coworker who suggested he turn it in to insurance (the furnace caught on fire) and now insurance is covering 100% of the cost and we only have to pay our deductible.  I am thankful for the ILs who have let us come over and shower and give the girls a bath

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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