Single Parents

WWYD-Grandparents initiate contact after a year???

I'll try to give an abbreviated back story.  I broke up with Ex when I was 5 months pregnant.  At that time, I had met his dad and his step mom, but not his mom.  When his mom found out I was pregnant and that Ex and I were no longer together, she got in touch (he and his mom don't talk).  We met and she's been wonderfully supportive and I have no problem with her being involved in DD's life.  When I had my baby shower I sent invites to his mom and step mom.  Step mom never responded or made any effort to contact me, so I let it go and took that to mean his dad and step mom didn't want to be involved (he talks to his Dad periodically but step mom can't stand Ex).

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago.  Step mom emailed Ex's mom asking for my contact information and saying they had a present for DD and wanted to send her some money as a gift.  DD just turned one and now they're finally deciding to get in touch?  The situation was quite awkward seeing as they've made no attempt to contact her us or get to know DD until now.  I finally received the gift and money yesterday and they sent me a letter saying that they would like to be involved in DD's life (outside of contact/involvement with Ex) to whatever extent I feel comfortable.

I have nothing against them, but I feel like...where have you been for the last year?  I plan on sending them a thank you for their generous gift, but I don't know that I'll really do anything beyond that.  WWYD?

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