Babies: 0 - 3 Months

HELP! Are we losing progress?

LO has started sleeping thru the night great about a week ago (8:30/9p.m. - 3a.m.) but she's NOT napping through the day now.  She catnaps (15/20mins) two times.  But she doesn't actually get into deep sleep and take an hour nap. 

We used to swaddle her (stopped about 3wks).  She likes sleeping with her arms straight up beside her head.  Is there ANYTHING we can do to help her nap?  The past two days I've finally broke down and took her on a car ride so she could at least get 45mins in.  But when she catnaps she's a terror during the day.  I know my poor girl is tired! 


PS. I haven't gone back to work yet - she started daycare 1/2 days next week. 

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