Upstate NY Babies

2 year old is driving me nuts

My 2 year old is literally driving me crazy.  She is up at 7:30, naps at 2, and goes to bed at 10, so I don't get much of a break and days are long (my husband is rarely around).

She just constantly climbs on me, or pulls my fingers to try to get me to go somewhere, or if she is in her highchair, she is climbing.  The seatbelt doesn't keep her in - she just stands up, fools around, or tries to climb out.  If she's not in the highchair and not trying to climb on me, she's climbing something (the highchair, back of the couch, etc.

So aside from my 4 year old also driving me nuts (she never stops talking and asking questions and demanding attention), I cannot get like 2 minutes of peace.  The house is a total mess.  I can't really do much until DD goes to bed at 10, because I can't let her out of my sight.  The other day she figured out how to slide under one of our gates on her belly, and then she scrambled up our staircase.. it took 30 seconds and because my 4yo was sobbing over her lost bear.

I feel like she rarely plays independently, and I'm not sure if I would say she is clingy, but at least somewhat.. phase?  Or something I can do?  I literally cannot get anything done unless she is eating (like now).

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