Babies: 0 - 3 Months

So fussy overnight

DD sleeps from 9-1 no problems every night.  Once 1am comes, she nurses every 2 hours and when I put her back down she grunts and eventually cries for about another 45 minutes to an hour.  Last night it was constant and I have been up since 1am.

I am giving her gas drops with every feeding, burping her extra, shhhing her (she is swaddled already).  

She is only having 1-2 dirty diapers a day and straining to go.  She finally did go at 7am this morning and it filled her entire diaper from front to back (was normal consistency though).  I don't think this is considered constipated.....not sure what to do.

She is having about 8 wet diapers a day and gaining well, so no problems there.

Any suggestions? 

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