Single Parents

WWYD about xH and no permanent place to live?

So exH has e/o Sat 10-4 visitation and e/o holiday 10-6... so no overnights.  Long backstory but he was out of DS life for 18 mo. and this summer came back and was granted his original visitation from the get-go with no re-unification schedule or anything for DS.  Just not seeing him for 18 months then bam! spend 6 hours with each other.  Anyways...

Now xH is in huge arrears.  Like, only paid 3 months in the past 3 years and my support officer has already suspended his license and wants to put our case in front of the prosecuting attny (this will be time #2).  Problem is that he doesn't officially live anywhere.  Was staying with his mom for a while and now isn't...and won't/can't be served the papers via mail until he provides an address to the courts.

In our paperwork it says he has 30 days to submit an address to the court upon relocation and obvs. he hasn't done this.  Would you pay (ugh!) your lawyer to get him for contempt of this and MAKE him via the courts give an address.  I mean, obvs. he is living SOMEWHERE right?  Or just let it go because I'm not and haven't gotten support anyways.  I'm getting pretty strapped for money and the amount he is in arrears is not a small amount.  There's also the issue of him taking DS e/o weekend and me not knowing where he even lives.  Again, there's not an issue of overnights which would change everything of course if he was taking him overnight and I had no idea where that would be a different story.  But still.

Annndd...go!  WWYD?  Thoughts?

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