Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Apparently taking LO's temp does jump-start bowel movements..

I'd heard that taking LO's temp could jump start a bowel movement, but I didn't think anything about it when I took his rectal temp earlier when his forehead was feeling warm.  The thermometer was a few seconds away from beeping when I heard the familiar gas sound and he proceeded to projectile poop all over the thermometer, my hand, and the changing table.  This happened twice in a row.  I knew with having a little boy, I'd get the "little boy treatment" eventually and get peed on, but I never expected to get pooped on.  At least life's never boring with a 2 and a half month old infant around! Big Smile
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

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