Upstate NY Babies

NBR: Tile/Grout

How do you clean your tile and grout?  When I got my steam mop, I had high hopes that it would solve the problem but I don't think it does and you still need to get down once in a while and scrub the floors.  Our kitchen/laundry/spare room tile is all like a beige with tanish color in spots, so I think it's supposed to disguise dirt (but that also makes me think it looks dirty when its not) and it has some parts to it that are slightly raised so I think that adds to looking dirty too.  One of our bathrooms and the back room have white tile-why did the previous homeowners do white?  I can't keep it clean, they're both high traffic rooms!  I've heard of using a heavy duty grout cleaner then resealing it-anyone do that? 
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