Babies: 0 - 3 Months

The grunting is killing my sleep!

My 4 week old grunts & strains ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT. It is really making me crazy with the no sleep. Sometimes he cries when we don't pick him up while he's doing this, and I have to lay him on me before he will calm down. Of course, the second I put him back he's back to straining & making those terribly loud noises. All this noise makes it hard for my husband and I to know when he actually needs something-- like to be fed or changed. It is also making sleep completely impossible. We are both like zombies.

I was exclusively breast feeding, but my pedi thought our son was lactose intolerant and put him on soy formula. This has actually seemed to make the grunts & noises worse! But he does burp now, whereas with the breastmilk he never seemed full and we never could get a burp out of him. I feel so hopeless. The lack of sleep is really hard. I know everyone says it gets better, but I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Anyone have any advice?

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