Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Before a growth spurt...

Do you notice that your LO eats less right before?  What about right after?

DD will be 6 weeks on Tuesday so I know she is due for one right around this time.  The problem is she's always cranky and always fussy so its very hard to tell.  Two weeks ago we started the Great Formula Switch of 2011 and ended up on Nutramigen.  That led to constant pooping which gave her the World's Worst Poop Burn.  Next up on the list of horrors was reflux which we are currently on day 6 of Prevacid (which does seem to be helping some).  Oh and let's not forget the low grade fever she ran for a day...

Since about 3 weeks, if her eyes are open, she's pissed at the world.  We can't do anything.  If you put her down, she basically screams.  Literally, we get like 20-30 minutes of happy, awake baby time a day.  This frustration is a whole other post...

Last week we upped her to 4 ounces (every 4-5 hours) and it was working well. She was consistently leaving less than 1/2 ounce and not spitting up.  Now, she's back to eating 2.5-3 ounces.  We can't gauge if she's not feeling well or if a growth spurt is over or just beginning because she's always crying.

Any ideas/advice? 

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