Upstate NY Babies

Let's try this again...

Hey ladies!!  I haven't posted a whole bunch lately because... well I don't have much to contribute to the babies and kids stuff (none yet).... BUT....

We got another BFP last night!!!  Big Smile  We had a early m/c in August, so we are cautiously excited about this pregnancy.  Aww... heck... who am I kidding, we are over the moon excited, yet terrified.

I have been posting on TTCAL and now PGAL (thanks to your awesome advice after my m/c) and I am looking forward to becomming a more active member of this board.

So... just wanted to say "hi" again.  And hope to be officially joining you as a Mom in July.

Miss Mrs. New & Improved Blog Chart
Online Garage Sale
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
monica & kevin married 5.28.11
bfp 8.11.11 - m/c 8.17.11
bfp 11.11.11 - edd 7.25.12
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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