Babies: 0 - 3 Months

AF already!!? (5wks PP)

I started bleeding bright red blood again on Wed (so, technically 4wks5days pp)  I had a repeat c-sect/tubal and had very little bleeding after. I was down to just light spotting by the end of week one and i've had zero spotting for over 2wks now.  I did vacuum on Tues. but just one room for 5 min. tops.  other than that nothing strenuous. 

I EBF so this just seems like a cruel joke. I got AF pretty early with my son too (around 10wks?)  but i attributed that to EP'ing for his first 3wks, not nursing around the clock like i'm doing now. I did call my OB and the nurse said it did sound like AF and said that it can happen this early even though it's very rare. anyone else as "lucky" as me?? :(

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