Upstate NY Babies

Going on a 3 day cruise without the family?

I can't decide, I have a friend who is organizing a 3 day cruise for girls only in Jan.  No kids, no DHs!  The cruise itself will be around $240, but then I would need airfair.  DH didn't hasitate saying yeas when I asked if I should go.  But I am not sure if I can stand to leave the kids for that long, and I feel guilty spending the money.  Plus my passport is in my maiden so it isn't good anymore, I would need to get an enhanced license (I think) to visit the Bahamas.  My kids are a hand full, I worry about leaving them even though I could really use a break!  The friend organizing it has FIVE kids of her own including her youngest who just turned one and 5 yr old twins.  Other than her, I wouldn't know anyone else and the accomodations may be tight.  Would you go?
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