Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby skin issues- help?

I know its normal for babies to break out with some acne, but my LO has developed a bumpy red looking rash on his face and neck.  My pedi said it was baby eczema and it would go away with lotion & keeping his face dry.  He's starting to chew his hands so his cheeks & chin stays wet, but its also on his face between his eyes at the top of his nose now. It doesn't appear to itch or bother him in any way, so I wonder if it actual eczema or contact dermatitis or a plain old rash. I just want to get it cleared up. I'm using the same laundry detergent, dreft on his clothes and his baby wash & lotion is Johnson's Bedtime. I did buy some Aveeno Eczema lotion for his face & use it a couple times a day. My SIL suggested just using some plain old desitin cream on his face & neck for the moisture, which I am trying today. Any suggestions or thoughts? Experiences? I have thought about changing his wash & lotion. I have some plain Johnson's which is supposed to be hypo-allergenic where the Bedtime stuff isn't.
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