Babies: 0 - 3 Months

my LO sounds like he's coming down with a cold!

He wants to nurse, but won't. He won't sleep well on his back. His breathing is all congested sounding, and when he's on his back it sounds a little more labored. He's started coughing occasionally, and his sneezing is much more violent than it was before.

I feel so helpless! I just don't know what to do for him to make him feel better.

I'm pumping so I can get more fluids in him since he doesn't want to latch because his nose is so stuffed.

I'm terrified its not just a cold and will develop into something more because I currently feel like hell warmed over and my temperature is a little elevated (no fever, but higher than normal). 

He's currently sleeping on his grandmother's chest, for the first extended period of time since 10pm last night.

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