Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Help! WWYD re: nighttime feedings

Ok, DD is 7 weeks old on Sunday. She gets her last feeding of the night from me around 8:15/8:30 ( I am breastfeeding). By the time she is done it is 9 or so and I am usually in bed by 9:30 asleep. From birth, I have supplemented with a bottle of formula for her next feeding so that DH could give her a bottle and I could get a good chunk of sleep. I am using formula only b/c I found it really difficult to find time with my DS to pump, not because I thought it would help her go longer at night. Well, she started sleeping a bit longer, not much, on her own she will only go till about 12:30, but DH wakes her before he goes to bed to give her the bottle, ensuring that I still get that chunk of sleep until she wakes next, usually anytime between 2 and 4 AM. However, she has given us a 5 and 6 hour stretch last week - definitely not the past few nights though!

Basically, she is getting what the Baby Whisperer refers to as a "dreamfeed", except we actually wake her. She never has any problem going back to sleep though. Here is the problem though - I know we cannot continue on with this forever. There have been a few nights where DH has been out of town and my mom has been over where she let her go on her own and she always wakes by 12:30 at the latest. DH obviously works and so I don't want him staying up that late b/c by the time she is done and asleep it is past 1. Here is what I figure are my options, what would you do:

 - Ask DH to start going to sleep early with me and then have him wake up for that first feeding and give her the bottle. That way we are still each getting about a 5 hour chunk of sleep and then another hour or two.

 - Suck it up and just take that first feeding on my own and also whatever feedings she does since I sometimes have the opportunity to nap for 30 minutes or so during the day (I SAH, but believe me, having a 3 year old DS and new baby is a full-time job!).

 - Just have DH keep waking her at 11 or so for that bottle and get as much sleep as I can right now and revisit the idea later (which really doesn't solve anything right now).

REally torn on what to do! Help!

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