Upstate NY Babies

Cheap backyard winter entertainment

When we come home from the movies, I bring our leftover popcorn, there is always so much left and I don't know why I bring it home (it gets gross so fast and we never eat it).  So the other day, I thought instead of throwing it in the compost, I'd put it under the birdfeeder.  We got quite the show out of it - there were so many birds, squirrels, chipmunks etc. and the kids thought it was awesome.

I did it again with some other stuff I was going to compost (stale bread, etc), and the kids love watching the craziness ensue.  I am so used to automatically composting everything, but just thought I'd share with you ladies.  I get so desperate for 'entertainment' in the winter, any little thing can be great!

And I was talking to a friend who does the same, she doesn't even have kids, but loves the crowd of animals it draws. The funny thing is, we both have left  bread to dry out on the counter to make "croutons" for the critters.. who knew we were such like minds!  (When it snows, it is easier to do 'croutons' instead of a soggy mess).

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