Upstate NY Babies

Speaking of Christmas spending

I may be breaking my 4 year old's heart this year :(

He has been saying for a few months now that Santa is going to bring him a bubble hockey machine, the kind they make at daddy's work. It is the only thing he wants and he has been "a really good boy".

Too bad it retails for close to $3,000. Even at DH's "cost"... yeah, not happening.

I told him it won't fit on Santa's sleigh. He insists that the sleigh is magical and it will. I am trying to throw out other ideas and he just isn't buying it.

I'm really hoping he changes his mind in the next month & a half. I don't even want to think about the crushed look on his face come Christmas morning :( 

Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
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