Upstate NY Babies

Christmas gift quandry

I have most everything set for the kids, but there are a few items I would still like to get them.  However, I know people will ask me what the kids want, especially like some smaller items.  So then I'm holding off on buying those items.. but then I worry that they won't buy them (and I have some awesome coupons right now), or that they will try to buy them but it will be too close to christmas to actually find those items.

For example, DD wants a purple Doodle Bear more than anything, so I had a coupon and went ahead and got it.  I bought a pink doodle bear for a preschool friend's birthday last month, and it was tough to find a purple one.

I was going to suggest it to our friend for when she asks me (because she's awesome like that), but it could be too late and I couldn't risk DD not getting her #1 gift.  Plus, if we go to my family for Christmas OOT, DD wouldn't get it on Christmas and would be disappointed.

I also don't want to buy stuff and have to return duplicates after Christmas.

Does anyone else run into this?  This is the first year I've had this issue, because DD Is old enough to know what she wants, and of course she picks the 'hottest new toys'!

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