June 2012 Moms

I don't understand (vent)

I don't understand how anyone can think it is safe to do any kind of drug while pregnant. I'm sorry but any doctor that tells a woman "pot" is okay is a horrible doctor and should probably not be one. Not to be mean but I seriously hope these girls that think it's okay to smoke pot and do other stupid things while pregnant have their babies taken away at birth. I can not stand it. It's disgusting. Sorry for venting but I really hate it. The little boy who would be my step-son was born a little over 3 months early and almost died numerous times because the poor excuse of woman who was supposed to be his mother thought it was a good idea to smoke pot, drink, and do other drugs while pregnant. How can people be so selfish. If they really don't want to be pregnant then they should not be pregnant. Again sorry for ranting and venting. I was on another site while a woman was bragging about how she smokes every night before bed and there were actually woman telling her she should smoke more to stop her BH! 
Born at 37 weeks 2 days because of pre-e
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Born at 36 weeks 6 days because of pre-e
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