June 2012 Moms

XP from 1st tri - chest pain/cardiac issues

I pretty much know what the Dr is going to say when I call tomorrow.. and Im sure most of you will be saying the same thing, but I wanted to run this by anyone on here that has dealt with this. 

The past week I have been experiencing on and off pain in my chest.  This weekend its been fairly consistant.  It feels like someone is squeezing my heart, but my heart is in the center of my chest and this is to the left.  I was diagnosed during my first pg with left ventricular conduction delay, and was told its no big deal.  I was to be monitored during delivery (like everyone else) and other than that I was fine.  I had an echo and ekg done while pg the last time. 

I cant determine if the tightness Im having is my heart (because of my increasing bloodflow), my anxiety issues (havent had them in a long time, and Ive been off medicine for a long time) or my asthma.  I am short of breath and my allergies are acting up.  I am also sleeping a ton (like 10 hrs a night and 1 1/2 hrs during the day) which I am chalking up to typical pg symptoms.

 I know no one here can diagnose me.  I know most people will say call the dr or go to the er.. I just want to know if anyone else is expereiencing any sort of chest pain.  TIA

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