June 2012 Moms

"Are you throwing up or are you *just* nauseous?"

Inevitably, when someone asks if I've had morning sickness and I say that yes, I have been sick 24/7, this is the response I get.

While I agree that throwing up constantly has got to suck monster donkey balls, feeling insane nausea 24/7 and barely being able to look at food, let alone eat it, is pretty damn incapacitating, too.  Especially when you work full-time and have a 3-year old.

Yet, when I say this, I am typically met with a response like, "You're lucky; when I had my daughter, I threw up every day for nine months."

Right, because that makes my all-consuming nausea less horrific. Angry

I do NOT get why women have to one-up each another on how bad their pregnancies were.  Nausea/vomiting/any symptom flat out sucks.  Can't people just sympathize?

/random rant.

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