June 2012 Moms

Ok Ladies....

Since the first trimester is a very difficult and stressful time for many of us.... can we please refrain from posting miscarriage statistics in posts????  Especially statistics that are not accurate and could really cause un-needed stress.

Over the next few weeks, there will be more losses.  I hope not, but we all know it is true.  We don't need posts to tell us that since we had 1 loss, we are at a higher risk for another.  If we have 4 or more, there is basically no hope.

So please, if you would like to flame this... go right ahead.  I don't care.  For me, reading these statistics does not calm me down or make me sleep better at night and I would like to say that some others may feel the same way.

Either way, I have to post and run since I am about to leave work.

Married my Best Friend on September 6, 2009
Our baby boy,Logan, was born still at 19w3d on 7/1/2011
Our 2nd baby boy, Mason, was born still at 20w3d on 1/31/2012
"Every life, no matter how brief, forever changes the world"

*~PGAL/PAL Welcome~*

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