June 2012 Moms

We told DS last night

We had origianlly planned to wait until after our first u/s to tell DS, but last night we decided it was time for him to know.  He is 3 and has been begging for a sister or brother for the last 4 months.  We told him that there is a baby growing inside mommy's belly and he said, "Right now?  There is one in there?"  Then he came over and started looking all weird at my stomach Smile  Then he told me, "Mom if anybody asks me if I want a brother or a sisiter, that doens't mean I'm going to get the one I want."  I cracked up bc he totally got that from watching Olivia.

This morning he came in to wake me up and said, "Mom, is your belly fat yet?"  Hahah oh not yet buddy Wink

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