June 2012 Moms

Can't stop worrying.

Hi ladies,

I CANNOT stop worrying about the possiblity of miscarriage. I think about it at least a dozen times a day. And every time I log on to this board and see that another lady has lost her June bug, it makes me worry even more.

I believe that whatever is meant to happen will happen. But the thought of losing the baby seems unbearable. And my first appointment is not until 11/29, so I feel like I have forever and a day to wait until I have some confirmation that the baby is doing okay.

Does anyone else feel like this? Or does anyone have advice on how NOT to be so focused on this? Its driving me nuts!

On a brighter note, tomorrow is Friday!! Woohoo!



BabyFruit Ticker

BFP: 10/26/11 EDD: 6/28/12

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