June 2012 Moms

Anyone have re-growth hair issues? Need rec too (NTR)

After LO was born I lost a lot of hair, well since it started growing back I have tons, I mean tons of flyaways around my forehead and the top of my head. They are really frizzy and just stand straight up. Flat ironing them only makes them worse. I thought maybe it was breakage but my stylist says it is new hair. Is anyone experiencing this? Can you recommend a product to control it? I am pregnant so I am assumming my hair will get really thick and nice again but in the meantime, I need something to help!

BFP #1: 11/09; DS born 8/01/10 BFP #2: 10/11/11 EDD: 06/25/12 M/MC 11/23/11 @ 9 weeks, 3 days; BFP#3 3/10/12 EDD 11/23/11 Grow Baby! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family
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