June 2012 Moms

Don't know what to think!

Been TTC since January.  My husband and I finally made it to Italy for our Honeymoon in October.  Of course my period was supposed to start on 10/9 but it was a day late.  I attribute that to travel stress (11-hour flight that day).  But then I had my period for the whole three weeks I was in Italy.  It was light but consistent.  We returned last week and I'm still bleeding.  I went to Urgent Care thinking that maybe I had a polyp or something and the pregnacy test they gave me was positive.  I was floored.  I can't imagine bleeding that much and still being pregnant.  They gave me an hCG test yesterday (189) and I'm to take another one tomorrow.  I'm still bleeding today and feel crampy.  I don't feel pregnant but the Urgent Care doctor said that it's normal to still bleed in the first trimester, especially if you are over 40.  I don't know whether to get excited or not.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow if my hCG levels go up.
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