Upstate NY Babies

Guest bathrooms

We took the kids to visit grandpa's place for the first time (ever) last week for a campfire.  He basically lives in like a redone trailer.  Anyway I took DD to go to the bathroom.. and there was no door on it.  DH had told me this a long time ago, and I figured since the new gf moved in, this would be fixed.. even with like a hanging curtain.  I was almost clawing the doorframe trying to find some nonexistent pocket door!  No.  No bathroom door, and everyone was eating down the hallway like 10 feet away... not good.

We have another family friend's place we visit regularly, and her bathroom looks out on the back patio.  So, when we go in the summer, her grill is like 3' from the bathroom window, and last time we went during a BBQ, I couldn't get the blinds closed.  The window is low, so you could technically see someone taking off their pants from outside.  Oh and I could not find a trash can in her bathroom for feminine stuff :P

*sigh*  Anyone else ever have these problems?!


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