June 2012 Moms

telling the those in the t-ttc world.

My husbands sister and her husband have been trying to have children for many MANY years.  They have tried many clinical ways and done a lot of testing and have had no luck whatsoever.  They are also unable to adopt because she has a physical assault charge on her record.  They very much so want children. 

DH and I have been trying for about 3 years and we got our BFP in October.  we don't intend to tell most anyone until Thanksgiving including his sister.  

I can't figure out how we should tell her though.  I'm wondering if we should tell her husband first and let him spill the news to her, or if we should just set them down over a nice supper and tell them at the same time.

I've had trouble with her in the past, she has quite the temper and overreacts quite often. I fear this will be one of the instances where we would be kicked out of their house and cursed at for the next couple of months if we do this wrong.  

I'm seriously concerned because we've been trying to tiptoe around her and keep her happy, but it's been difficult in the past and I'm honestly not terribly optimistic about this bit of news. 

* If she wasn't the only family my DH has in a 700 mile radius I wouldn't care... but he want's to keep her in the loop. 

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