June 2012 Moms

I have so many questions! Is anyone else this nutty?

I am just a nervous Momma, I know! Thank you for all of your responses and support from my previous post.

My new and frequent concern is about m/c. I was reading that you don't always have signs when you do have one. I have my pre-natal class tomorrow and my first appointment isn't until the 22nd. It is torture wondering :(

My symptoms haven't decreased, except for the slight cramping, which the doctor said was normal. I am not sick yet, but I heard that is no biggie. My new symptom is that I am terribly short of breath when I do light physical activity. I feel like these 9 months are going to be terrifying, wondering if my baby is with me all the time! But I don't want to be naive and think everything is going along great and find out in three weeks that it's not.

My husband keeps saying that there is nothing I can do about it right now. I don't even think it would help to bump up my first appointment because then we *really* may not be able to find a heart beat because it may be too early! Is anyone else as big as a nut as I am?

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