June 2012 Moms

Wow you're HUGE!

Today we went over to my in laws to carve pumpkins. My father in law is on the couch, and he goes "How many months are you??" And I said "Oh, I'm about 8 weeks, so two months or so". He replies "Wow, you are getting BIG!!!!" Then  later when we're leaving, my husband grabs some cookies and is shoving them in his mouth, and his dad goes "You better watch out, or you are going to get as fat as Claire!!!" WOW SERIOUSLY!? It sucks he had to say these things today too because this morning I was feeling humungous and whining to my husband that my friends that are pregnant aren't even showing and they are waaaay further along than me, and I started showing like right away. He made it sound like I sit there and eat icecream all day. There's a growing baby in there!!!


Okay, feel free to post how fat you feel too. haha. Big Smile

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