Upstate NY Babies

weird library books

My 1st grader is supposed to read to me for 15 minutes a day.  We go to the library once a week and I've been grabbing a bunch of easy reader books without really paying attention to what they were about.  For today's 15 minutes we got through 2 books and OMG, they had me shaking my head.  (Of course, not as bad as the day I wasn't paying attention and ended up with a book about remembering Grandpa after he died.  That was an interesting bedtime.)

First one was called "It's Too Windy" and it's told from the dog's point of view.  He doesn't want to go outside because it's too windy.  His leash is tied to the baby stroller and the mom has her back turned chatting with a friend and the wind blows the baby and dog down the sidewalk and almost into traffic...but at the last minute the dog wraps the leash around a light-pole and saves the baby.  (At which Mike says, it's a good thing he saved the baby because she would have gone into the street and died.)
Second one was called "Stitches".  A boy falls on his bike and his head is all bloody.  Mom wraps a gauze around his head, but it's still bleeding through so she takes him to the doctor.  The doctor wants to do stitches but the kids doesn't want them...whine whine whine.  Then they showed the shot to numb it, the stitches, the bandage over it.  Then he invites all his friends over and brags about how brave he was and how he'll have a scar on his forehead forever.
Bianca image.
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