June 2012 Moms

Dr. Vent

I went into the Dr. on Monday to get my blood drawn and check my betas and confirm the pregnancy.  He said he would call me within a few hours to let me know how they were.  He didn't call me back until 2 days ago.  All while I called and left messages for him.  When he finally did call he said I was pregnant but my levels were low so he wanted me to come into the clinc where I live (His office to an hour in a half away) to get my blood drawn again to see if they doubled.  He said he would call me back once he spoke to the clinic.  Yea, that never happened, and I haven't heard from him.  Needless to say, I switched OB's.  Hopeflully my next visit at about 10 weeks will go much better than this last one. 

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