TTC After a Loss

Temp experts needed please!

I'm playing with my chart this morning because I had a hard time with temping Saturday morning. I made the mistake of temping twice! Big no-no!

(Usual wake up time is 5:00am).

Woke up at 3am and tossed and turned for a bit but fell back asleep. Alarm went off at 5 and temp was 97.2.

Woke up again at 6:15am and temp was 97.7. If I adjust the temp to my usual wake up time of 5am the temp is 97.4. My O day gets moved to CD14.

I'm thinking I need to stick with the 5am temp of 97.2. My O day is then CD13.

Do you ladies adjust your temps if you wake up earlier or later than your FF default time?

Maybe I'm overthinking this. My O day would only be off by one day if I adjusted my temps. Sorry for the lame question. I took the last few months off from charting and I'm a bit rusty :(

Natural MCs 2/4/09, 8/22/09 & 4/7/10
Dx with Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS)
BFP #4 5/14/12
5/17/12...1st Betas- 176, P4 3.6
5/22/12...2nd Betas- 207, P4 6.1 (MC confirmed)
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