June 2012 Moms

Is anyone else using a chiropractor for anything?

I suffer from ridiculous migraines, and have seen a chiro for the last year or so because of them. I also get adjusted because of a car accident from 1999 that kind of messed up my spine alignment. Every time I go, I get nervous when I lay on my stomach and they do some of the adjusting. She doesn't push down very hard, usually in baby area there isn't anything done -- usually its near my tailbone and my shoulders, and then she adjusts my neck for my migraines.

Does anyone else use a chiro? And does anyone else have this fear, or am I being irrational (which, is more than likely whats happening as I tend to do that. They even have brochures at the chiro that talks about how labor is easier for those pregnant women who have seen a chiro.)

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