June 2012 Moms

Feeling a bit superstitious...

I found out I was pregnant Oct 10th and after DH and I called all of our close family members I got too excited and made the announcement to all of our friends on Facebook just 2 days later. I couldn't help myself! Now I keep hearing about how everyone waited until their 12 week mark before saying anything because apparently it's a superstition that announcing early will "cause" a m/c. I know it's silly but I can't help but worry now! Obviously it's too late because I made my choice and I need to just take it day by day and stay positive for the baby...but I guess I'm feeling regretful about my decision because that last thing I need is more worrying!

Anyone else do like I did and tell everyone right away? I really hope I'm not the only one to do that!!! lol

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